What is Life?

Life as we know it, is a wheel within a wheel, never ending or beginning like a piece of orange peel, and if this makes no sense or has no rhyme or reason, and you don’t know an apiary is what you keep bees in, then you should quit while you’re behind and settle for…

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The Great American Deli Meat Scandal

The pressed ham and turkey con, or do I want to eat restructured meat? I visit deli’s from time to time for lunch, usually when I’m hungry, and that’s the issue, you don’t think straight when you really need to fill your stomach. No one questions the unthinkable things that they put in your sandwich,…

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The Toilet Rant

Warning – This Article Is Graphic and Contains Language Unsuitable For Most Americans. I am not an expert on toilet architecture, although I have some understanding, and I get that the US is supposed to be the land of freedom but I really think such large gaps in toilet stalls are a bit much. In…

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Knife and Fork Skills

If you judge people solely by how they hold utensils, you’re a horrible person who nobody should be forced to endure. Table manners should focus on more relevant things. I don’t know who said this but I completely disagree. Many American’s simply don’t know how to use a knife and fork and have table manners…

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The Unwanted Handshake

Mr. McFeely our new office colleague has an annoying tendency to offer an outstretched hand every time he comes to the office. I wince every time. I don’t like this, one handshake when meeting for the first time is sufficient. I mean it’s such a pointless and antiquated tradition that idiots (humans) continue to practice…

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Back Off Milk You Imposters

1967 was a very good year for milk, it was the first time I actually remember drinking the stuff in vast quantities. We would always run out too, probably due to my gluttony and love of cereal.  No need to go to the shop for more though, we would simply roll up a note and…

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Just say NO to Girl Scouts Cookies

Only 68 days to go before that rag-tag crème puff children’s militia The Girl Scouts start selling their evil cookies again. Why is that you say? Well, Girl Scout cookies still contain Hydrogenated Palm Oil, sourced by deforesting vast areas of tropical rainforest, the home of the beloved Orangutang. Way to look after the planet…

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